5 Ideas to Engage Your Essential Oil Customers

If you are running an essential oil business then engagement must be at the top of your priorities. Building and sustaining a business is more that just getting a sale from the customer. To build a long lasting business consisting of residual income for years to come includes continued customer engagement.

We believe that relationship building through value based content, connection, and follow up are foundational pillars that contribute to the success of any business.

Let’s talk about 5 ways you can engage your essential oil customers so the next time they think about essential oils, they think about you!

essential oil blog doterra young living


After your initial touch point with a customer and you have supported them to purchase a collection of oils, it is time to engage with them some more. Learning how to use essential oils and integrate them into your life takes time. Think back to the first time you began using oils. How many resources did you look at, how many internet searches did you do, how many texts did you send a friend? The learning curve is steep and the best way you can support a new customer is to help them find ways to use the oils they have already purchased.

An easy way to do this is to host a 201 Make + Take Class. Here are the steps:

  1. Invite your customers to bring their oils. You can remind them why they purchased these oils + how to put them to good use!

  2. Research simple roller bottle recipes or DIY cleaners using the Top 10 Oils. Most likely their first purchase included these oils.

    Top 10 Oils - dōTERRA

    Top 10 Oils - Young Living

  3. Provide glass roller bottles, fractionated coconut oil, spray bottles and labels or ask them to bring them. Another idea is to charge $10/person to recoup the costs. Try our Pop-Up Shop Box and sell the labels for $1.00 each!

  4. Have fun blending! Your customers will love it and want to do it all over again in a few months.


I bet…if you called all of your customers and offered them a second wellness consultation - they would jump at the opportunity! I love it when my Norwex Lady touches base, filling me in on new products, answering my questions and provides me with the latest tips + tricks. This is all part of providing excellent customer service and keeping a customer for life.

Do not let geographic location be a barrier. Today, there are SO many tools you can use to stay in touch with customers. Make an appointment for a FaceTime call, or host a group Zoom Wellness Consultation with customers at a similar level. You can even try a theme education call! “Tips to Stay Healthy this Winter” or “Green Cleaning for Spring”….possibilities are endless 😉


Who doesn’t love a good social event? If you have a large team, this is a easy way to connect with a lot of people at once. Or even better…partner with your up line or cross line peeps! Offer different stations at the event for education, DIY and discovery. Our Pop-Up Shop Boxes are perfect for this!


I’m not sure about you, but I love getting unexpected goodies in the mail! Sending a short note with a DIY recipe and a label is a simple and inexpensive way to keep in touch with your customers. Everyone can benefit from a new cough blend in the winter season, or a helpful after sun recipe in summer. Notecards, recipes and labels are super lightweight and cost under a dollar to mail, yet yield a valuable touch point with your customer.

Another way to keep in touch with your customer is through email. As we all know, the key to becoming proficient in using essential oils is education. There are many many places to find information and it can be super overwhelming ! Your customers already trust you. Why not provide them with a education email drip of information you have compiled? You can use a free email service provider like Mail Chimp to send email weekly. Check out our email drip campaign here!

essential oil blog doterra young living


This platform is super handy for keeping in touch with customers. Why not create a 5 day event, invite your people, and drip 5 days worth of posts, links, videos, giveaways, contests and live video to inspire your audience? Keep it engaging by asking for comments and posts. The trick to this is to keep the time frame no longer than five days. You could pre-send samples to attendees and talk about the samples during the event. You could also try this as a one hour live event….the possibilities are endless!

Remember to follow up with your customers after it has ended. We all know by now that follow up is key!


Your customers are ultimately looking to you for guidance. Part of being an amazing business owner, is providing incredible customer service. Trust, loyalty, commitment and referrals comes over time after you consistently build a relationship. In my mind, I think the ultimate goal is to have Oil Culture Labels pop into a persons head when they think or labels for their roller bottles. How do you want to be known in your business? Your customers found YOU….now it is YOUR time to wow them! Best of luck!!

BusinessChristine Taylor